#21. I. GHR Western Show
# Lers:
Jtt j pr western l, de nem valami sok. Legkzelebb is megrendezzk!
# Verseny Kirja: Ayumi
# Versenyre vonatkoz szablyzat:
- Egy ember maximum 5 lovat hozhat kategrinknt!
- Egy l tbb kategriba is nevezhet!
- Nem csak western lovakat vrunk (teht jhet pni,arab telivr stb.)
- Adatlapot helyesen tltsd ki!
Trail kategria
1. Hely
- Pepper
- Roots Radicals Doll
- Big Boy |
2. Hely
- Eagles Motion Rush |
- Smokin' Splash Gun
- Relife
Cutting kategria
1. Hely
- Big Mohawk to Somke
2. Hely
- |
- Shine Like a Diamond
Reining kategria
1. Hely
- Sonny
- Colour Me Boy
-Blond River
- Mighty Brown Jack
- Eagles Motion Rush
- TC Golden |
2. Hely
- Smokin' Splash Gun
- Peppy
- Shades of Wind |
- Red it Badger
- Mighty Sounds
- Gallo Simpatico |
- Inferno
- Big Mohawk to Somke
- Jimmy
-Big Boy
- Cheyenne's Odawa
Pleasure kategria
1. Hely
- Smokin' Splash Gun
- Mighty Sounds
2. Hely
- Pepper |
- Blond River
- Mighty Brown Jack |
- Roots Radicals Doll
- Peppy
- Blanco
# Nyeremnyek
Abszolt helyezettek:
- ELITE cm
- ABSOLUT WINNER Horse in the Category! cm
- 100.000 Ft
- Best cm
- Best Horse in the GP- Horse Raing- cm
- 80.000 Ft
- Nice cm
- Nice Horse in the GP- Horse Raing- cm
- 60.000 Ft
3-4. helyezetteknek:
- Beautiful cm
- Beautiful Horse in the GP- Horse Raing- cm
- 25.000 Ft